Your Exact BLUEPRINT to Permanent Financial Freedom (shown step by step from Casey)
working hard, "hustling", or wondering what to focus on...
Warning - Please read this prior to enrolling
- Now, until the final day in 2023 (December 31) freedom academy will be just $49/month for the first 500 members only.
- The $49/month plan will only be open UNTIL DECEMBER 31st 2023 no later, OR available to the first 500 MEMBERS. Whichever comes first.
- After that, the bronze plan will be 99$/month minimum. However, all members who decided to take action and enroll at the $49/month plan will be GRANDFATHERED in at that enrollment cost for LIFE with all future updates free of charge.
- HEADMAN as a company is going over a serious tech revamp to increase user experience across all web pages, communities, and yes... even PRODUCTS now until the end of the year.
- This revamp will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars between data planning, developer fees, and contractors working their very best to make the user experience as close to PERFECT as POSSIBLE, to ensure your money making journey and path to financial freedom is as EFFORTLESS as humanly possible.
- This is good news FOR YOU as we are 100% committed on all levels to helping men become full stack while leveling up financially. The time to get rich is now.
- Because of the additional company expenses Casey is willing take on, on behalf of the entire HEADMAN community to maximize this mentorship... This means that January 1st, 2024; enrollment into Freedom academy will be $99/month minimum (subject to increase beyond that as well.)
- As stated above, the first 500 members will be grandfathered in at the $49/month enrollment price for life now until December 31st. WITH the 2024 UPDATES INCLUDED FREE OF CHARGE.
- You can get in now while spots are still open below. This network, combine with Casey's step by step guides help you build a profitable business from the ground up as if Casey was starting over again from DAY 1.
- Freedom academy was built so you have a guiding roadmap to GET RICH FOREVER, NOT JUST GET RICH QUICK... We will see you on the other side.
***Leaving off with a side note -
This disclaimer is not "false urgency" or "false scarcity" This is actually me Casey Zander, typing this line by line personally, not just one of my staff... Come December 31st (or when we hit our enrollment cap for the year at 500 members whichever comes first) you will not see this $49/month option ever again. The time to join, to change your life for the better is now. This is my exact academy from the ground up that I used to start my wealth building journey that made millions.
-Your Friend, Casey.

- $100,000 VALUE - Full Academy Mentorship How to build your own brand and go from $0 - your first $ 100K (6 figures) online
- $47,000 VALUE - Casey's 7 FIGURE website templates - You can STEAL/COPY my exact website templates and make them your own with a single click
- $997 VALUE - STEAL my SCRIPTS Steal my multi-million dollar sales scripts and make them your own for your product
- $997 VALUE - A-Z Product/Service set up - Watch me show you how to set up your own product to sell online click for click. Exactly how Casey did it
- $497 VALUE - Inner Circle Community - Network with every other high level entrepreneur inside the freedom academy
TOTAL VALUE - $149,491 (1 to 1 Clients have paid this)
Bonus #1 - Early access to all future live events and masterminds.
Bonus #2 - Casey's budgeting checklist - Exactly how he structures his financials.
Bonus #3 - Automatic selling secrets - How to sell customers daily with one SIMPLE sales video to make money in your sleep.
Bonus #4 - YouTube growth hacks training - High level frameworks of exactly how I went from 0-300k+ subscribers quickly.
Bonus #5 - "The Vault" every past freedom academy live recording archived inside the academy with Casey as the lead call host answering questions 1-1.

We show you over 10 years of money making frameworks handed to you on a silver platter. Imagine waking up every day, seeing cash move into your accounts PASSIVELY. This equals FREEDOM as a man.

After making multiple millions of dollars online with proven step by step processes... I want to see others do the same. There is no greater fulfillment than being 100% financially free and never setting another alarm clock ever again to clock in for some bullshit boss.
This community is truly reserved for HEADMEN. Men who are committed to excellence, finding their purpose, and ACTUALLY TAKING action to be financially free while supporting each other. What we call, 1%ers.