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What Women Really Want Today (And Why Modern Men Struggle)

Dec 17, 2024

One day, I was out for my usual 5-mile walk. I like these walks because they clear my head and help me think. I passed by a woman who was walking her dog. She stopped me and asked, “How far do you usually walk? I see you here all the time.”

This wasn’t just a random question. She was curious about me. Why? Because women choose. It’s how things work, whether we like it or not.

Now, let me tell you a story about this. I’ve had two long-term relationships in my life. My first girlfriend—she picked me. We met at a house party, and she came up to me first. My second girlfriend—she gave me all the signals. She “chose” me in her own way too.

What’s the point of this? Women don’t need men the way they used to.

Let me explain.

Women Have Everything They Need—Except One Thing

Here’s the truth: Women today have jobs, their own houses or apartments, and plenty of money. They don’t need a man to pay for things or help them survive. I’ve seen this over and over with the women I’ve dated. They had excess resources.

  • They had more than one pair of shoes.
  • They had their own degrees and careers.
  • They didn’t need anyone to take care of them.

So, what are they looking for? What’s missing?


Women want men who are attractive—men they feel pulled to on a deeper level. Not just looks, but internal qualities like confidence, discipline, and emotional strength.

Why This Matters For You

Most men today are failing. They think that saying the right words or acting confident will “win” a woman. But here’s what’s really happening:

Women look at you and decide. They see your bloated face. They see your body fat. They see you’re not bringing your best self. And what do they do? They move on.

You can’t talk your way out of this. You can’t fake it with words or “confidence tricks.” You need to become the best version of yourself.

How To Fix It: Three Simple Steps

If you’re tired of being ignored, it’s time to do these three things:

  1. Face Reality
    Women do the choosing. If you aren’t being chosen, there’s a reason. You need to improve yourself to become the man they want.

  2. Lean Down and Get Fit
    Lose the body fat. Build an attractive frame. Most men today are too comfortable eating junk food and not working on their bodies. Fix this first.

  3. Focus on Internal Traits
    Work on your discipline, your purpose, and your confidence. Show up as a man who works hard and doesn’t give up. Women notice this.

Why This Works

Imagine you’re standing next to Leonardo DiCaprio. If he smiles at a woman, she’s interested. Why? Because his status, confidence, and value speak for themselves.

You can become a man like that. Not because you need to be famous, but because you show up every day as the best version of yourself.

Final Thoughts

Women don’t need modern men for their money or survival anymore. But they do need men they can feel attracted to—men with discipline, strength, and a real sense of purpose.

So here’s the challenge: Will you become that man?

Remember, you attract what you are. Work on your internal value, and you’ll attract the right kind of woman into your life.

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